Friday, April 24, 2009


Hey! so for my first post, I figured I'd do that fun little 25 things about me thing....I know...I know, soooo original...right? so I changed it up......and added 5 more.

30 random things about me:

1. I am a "night owl" ....if you wake me up before 9:30 or 10...I'm mean and nauseated...I'm my best in the late afternoon and night.

2. I live by quotes....whether they be famous quotes or snippets of stuff from Jennifer and Kristian....which usually leads to a conversation, about or including sugarland...whether the listener wants to talk about it or not....

3. I CANNOT live without my ipod....any spare moment I have, its on...if I get a break at work, its on...roadtrips with family, its on....stuck in traffic? its plugged in to the radio in the car...

4. I'm a total diva when it comes to my sleep....the room has to be completely dark, I have to have my 'homemade pillow', and music going....I can't sleep without music playing...(preferably sugarland )

5. I am random....I start talking about one thing and somehow get on the subject of something else...which turns into rambling...for a great example, just listen to an interview or live show of Sugarland....listen to Jennifer....I do the SAME thing she does...all the drives people NUTS!!!

6. I tend to cry for no reason at all....and the smallest things will trigger it a song, some random scene in a movie(example: the final scene in Dirty Dancing..I think the night I watched it and cried I was either VERY depressed, or PMS'ing..) or a commercial on tv (sad, I know!)...I'm just a big ole' sap!

7. I like the idea of being a cook (ala Rachel Ray or Paula Deen)....but I just can't commit to it...that or I am simply too hungry to spend an hour and a half "preparing a beautiful meal" *insert fake smile here*

8. I am pretty fluent in Sarcasm...and it tends to get me do my facial expressions...(I'm a wee bit OVERLY expressive sometimes)

9. I sometimes speak in accents.....don't ask why....I personally love English in Pride and Prejudice..?....

10. I quote movies, like crazy....all the time...its a terrible sickness...

11. I share Jennifer Nettle's phobia of standing water and bathtub stuff...(that bathtub stuff is a MAJOR texture issue for me..)

12. I have a crippling fear of Clowns, Mice, and bugs!'s sad and stupid....but its true! Don't screw with me on this one....its awful, it entails panic attacks and tears...

13. I love to write......but I've been stuck behind a writer's block for about 2 years now... ...and that makes me sad.

14. Green, Pink, Blue, Orange and Purple are my favorite colors..

15. I sometimes wonder if I'll be the "crazy cat lady".....but I'm not an animal person.

16. I love "bargain shopping" whether it be at a yard sale or anything like that....thats where ya find all the random, cool stuff!

17. I have random "heroes" they are, my father, Jennifer Nettles, and Audrey Hepburn.

18. All the tv shows that I love, have been cancelled but are still in syndication, like Reba, Will
and Grace, and Friends.

19. I love photography, I hope to make it my lifes work.....I would personally like to follow Sugarland around and be their photographer! ((guys if you're reading this...Call me!))

20. I love the Idea of D.I.Y. projects...but can never follow through with them.

21. I could spend hours in a bookstore....just randomly drives my family nuts..I'll be gone for like 3 hours..and only come back with 1 book....if any... .

22. I used to have a birthmark on my shin that was the size of a dime.I had to have it removed b/c it became melanoma as I got older...I now have a purple scar in its place.

23. I want to go to Europe....Paris, Ireland, London, Spain, on and so forth....I'd love to live in one of those countries.

24. I am borderline obsessed....ok, ok...I am COMPLETELY obsessed with Sugarland. They're music is the "soundtrack" of my life....I could find a place in my life where each song fits in.....I hope to meet them someday.

25. among my friends, I am the "know-er of Random stuff"....I give them random information...whether they ask for it or not....

26. I'm also obsessed with Twilight...after I swore that I wouldn't become obsessed with only took one viewing of the movie, and I was hooked!

27. I would like to be "KNOWN" for something...I don't know what...but I want that to happen.

28. I have a rather large movie collection....and I've seen all of them at least twice.

29. the farthest west I've been is Louisiana, south is Florida, and north is Pennsylvania.

30. I can't shop for clothes and shoes just doesn't happen...I end up carrying clothes around the store, putting the clothes on a shelf and giving up....defeated.... :(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So..first post...

Has your brain ever taken "a break" or taken its own leave of absence leaving you feeling like an idiot?... Mine has.....maybe that means something is wrong who knows! I've noticed this happening in the past couple of months...its weird...I'll be at work...(which is in retail).... and its like I COMPLETELY forget how to count...or just forget what I'm doing... I'm way to young for it to be anything like dementia or anything like that.... WHO KNOWS!

So, anyway, I am currently counting down the days til Sugarland comes to my town!! Its not too long...almost a month exactly til they're here!.. I am hoping, hoping, hoping to find that Key so I can meet em!....I've got so much I want to say....although, knowing me...I will forget everything and probably pass out. Lets hope I don't do the latter of the two..